Shah Md Rifat  Ahsan


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Wireless Networks - Ad-hoc, Sensor and Mesh Network

Network Security

Distributed Systems

Pervasive Computing

Database Systems

Large Scale Simulation and Modeling


S.M. Rifat Ahsan, Mohammad Saiful Islam, Naeemul Hassan, Ashikur Rahman, Exploiting Packet Distribution for Tuning  RTSThreshold in IEEE 802.11, 25th Queen’s Biennial Symposium on Communications. Accepted, Kingston, Canada, 2010.[Download pdf]

S.M. Rifat Ahsan, Reaz Ahmed, Tanvir A. Amin, Efficient Multi-hop Sybil Resistant DHT, (under submission).

Shegufta B. Ahsan, S.M.R Ahsan, Wireless Sensor Network towards the Industry Environment Monitoring,  (under submission).


Sybil Resistant DHT With Dr Reaz Ahmed (Oct,2010 - Present) [Download Proposal Presentation] [Download Survey Presentation] [Download Project Report]

In this research, our main contribution is a sybil-resistant Distributed Hash Table, where sybil nodes can join, but the routing algorithm for an honest node can effectively bypass the sybil identities. Our method tries to find the social leaders in each social community and assigns IDs from a linear binar codespace to the nodes in a distributed manner. Based on our findings, we have also presented a layered architecture of a distributed admission control and maintenance scheme for a peer to peer network, which is our second contribution. This work is under progress.

Adaptive Video Coding for Vehicular Systems with Dr Mohammad Mahfuzul Islam and Dr. Golam Sorwar(Jan,2011- Present) [Download Relevant Paper1][Download Relevant Paper2]

An embedded mobile vehicle surveillance system (EMVSS) offers an efficient and easily deployable solution for real-time video gathering and transmission to the users’ mobile phone through the 3G/3.5G network. The security information can provide protection to more vehicles as the user can know the situation of the system at anytime and anywhere. Moreover, if the guard system can capture images of passer-bys or intruders, the system’s owners can respond to any risks. However, the current EMVSS system is unable to process and transmit information intensive media, such as video, in real-time due to its limited information processing capacity and this limitation is currently a bottleneck for real-time applications. To successfully design and implement a low-powered embedded system, it is necessary to maintain a high quality video coding with a fast and flexible coding algorithm.

Tunable parameters of IEEE802.11 ad-hoc networks with Dr AKM Ashikur Rahman ( Sept,2008-Oct,2009) [Download Paper] [Download Thesis]

IEEE 802.11 is a well known standard for wireless local area networks for both Infrastructure Based and Ad-Hoc networks. This standard uses several parameters which administrates the operation of the protocol in Physical and Medium Access Control(MAC) layer of the network. In our thesis research we have worked on various parameters for the MAC layers. In the original standard these parameters have fixed values. But our workbegan by searching for procedures to tune the parameters in adaptive ways. Later we have concentrated our search on a particular parameter; RTS Threshold. IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol employs two techniques for packet transmission;the basic access scheme and the RTS/CTS reservation scheme. RTS Threshold playsan important role in the performance of the network by choosing a particular scheme to use for a transmission. In our research, we, point out the advantages and disadvantages of RTS/CTS scheme. Then we state the problems of having a fixed RTS Threshold. Next, we present a numerical method to fix RTS threshold adaptively based on network. to make a balance between the basic Scheme and the RTS/CTS scheme for having a optimized network throughput. All theoretical analysis and algorithms are validated by simulatio  We have used the Network Simulator (NS2) tool for the experimental simulations. We substantiate that our proposal outperforms the IEEE 802.11 standard in the static network situation and also in multi hop environment considering hidden
node problem.

VANETTM: Vehicular Ad-hoc Network Based Travel Mate with Syeed Hyder [Download Presentation] [Download Project Report]

Joined in a project group of Vehicular Ad-hoc Network under Chowdhury Sayeed Hyder and Devised a protocol, analyzed performance through on-board implementation of Vehicular Communication. We have designed and implemented communication protocol between V2V and V2BaseStations. Our attempt was successful and this work was presented on a Project Show.

Wireless Sensor Networks: Industrial Environment Monitor  (Jun,2010- Present) [Download Presentation] [Download Project Report]

The concept of this project is to ensure the environmental security of Industrial organizations. Here, we focused on to detect the presence of different types of toxic gases. In addition, we concentrate on maintaining perfect level of temperature and light in a system. We developed a communication protocol for transferring information of different types of sensors and our on-board implementation was successful.


Secure scalable video transmission in wireless network with Dr. Humayan Kabir (Feb,2010-April,2010) [Download Presentation] [Download Report]

A wireless video streaming system needs secure  and efficient streams of  video to heterogeneous clients over time varying communication links. Clients may differ in their display,power, communication, and computational capabilities. End-to-end system efficiency is achieved by placing transcoders at intermediate network nodes; these transcoders can easily adapt the video stream for particular client capabilities and network conditions.
Secure Scalable Streaming is needed in wireless channels. SSS coder encodes video into secure
scalable packets by using jointly designed scalable video coding, packetization, and progressive encryption techniques. . A key feature of SSS is that it enables low-complexity transcoding operations to be performed at intermediate network nodes without compromising the security of the end-to-end wireless streaming system.