Shah Md Rifat  Ahsan


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OSI Layer Implementation 
Description: Effectuated Physical Layer, Data Link Layer and Network Layer of Open System Interconnection in JAVA using Java Communication API among different modules. Link State Routing was used as routing algorithm adhering to all five steps carefully. To calculate shortest path among nodes in network, Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm was implemented. The whole system was evaluated in line, star and ring topology.
Automated Solution for RanksTel 
 Surveyed a PSTN and GSM based company RanksTel Bangladesh Ltd.and, designed, implemented an Automated Sales and Distribution Solution. All steps of Software Engineering like, Requirement Discovery and Modeling, Usecase Analysis, Identifying Classes, Drawing Class Diagram from Collaboration and Sequence Diagram, Finding flows from State-Chart, Input-Output Design and User Interface Design were followed by. The solution was implemented in PHP. 
Prison Management System 
Description: Penitentiaries in our country is not automated and entangled with lots of mismanagements. As a Database project, we decided to focus over this problem and designed ERD for prison management after long study and proposed An Semi-Automated Prison Management System to simplify administrative works and manage prisoners routine more easily. We used Visual C# to design user interface and Oracle 10.0i to maintain database.
Description: Implemented and solved Multiple Barbers Problem, Lock and Condition Variables, Input-Output, Thread, Mutex and two System Calls (Read and Write) in Nachos. Also solved one of the basic Inter Process Communication problem, The Producer Consumer Problem in C++
Image recognition
description: As a project of Pattern Recognition, we developed a Image Recogniion Software which employed Logarithmic approach to reduce time constraint using MATLAB
Jatiyo Smriti Shoudho and Cafeteria
Description: Using OpenGL, created model of Jatiyo Smriti Shoudho. Also, designed Central Cafeteria of BUET with Camera, Lighting, Sheding, Texturing and Animation.
Description: Capable of resolving Recursive Function Calling, a compiler was developed using Lex and Yacc, which used hash-based symbol table to look up keywords.
Sixteen Chips 
Description:  A traditional bangladeshi game. i have made the online version of this game. the programming language of the project was JAVA2. 




Automater Travelling
Description: As an extension of Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) research, an Intelligent Traffic Observer was designed and implemented by Integrated Circuits which could transmit the information about traffic and mishaps in surrounding areas to nearby base receivers so that the information can be propagated to distant areas. Two kinds of communication protocol; Car to Car and Car to Base Station were designed for this purpose. 
Implementation of 32-bit Microprocessor in FPGA Board 
Description: As a Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Project, a 32-bit Microprocessor with Memory was designed and implemented using Field Programmable Gate Array. This Microprocessor could execute 8 basic instructions
4 Bit Microcontroller : 

Description: A Micro-program Controlled 4-bit Microprocessor with Branch Prediction capability, 4-stage Pipelining, able to perform 28 instructions, was designed meticulously according to Three BUS Architecture and also implemented in circuit board. It had separate Data and Instruction RAM. 

Digital Oscilloscope 
Description: Designed and implemented a Digital Oscilloscope [-10v--10v] with high precision as an Electronic project.